Multi Channel Classification and Clustering System

This project is maintained by OpenImageAnalysisGroup

Compatibility Check and Installation of Support Programs

The system has been tested under CentOS (7), Mac OS X (Yosemite, 10.10) using the GNU Bash shell and Windows 7/8.1/10 using the Cygwin commandline interface. It is required to install the Java JRE or JDK and eventually (for running the application examples) the Wget, UnZip, xargs and bc command(s). It may also run under other operating systems, which provide Bash-script support and the xargs or parallel commands as well as Java support.

Additional commands for running the provided application examples:

After the installation of the required software tools you can extract the mcccs release zip and continue with the automatic download of application examples and libraries (please check the online documentation for further information). The examples tab gives an overview about the example data and analysis procedures.

Installation hints

Most of the linux distributions include the missing packages in their repositories, by utilizing a package manager (like yum, apt-get, pacman) they can be easily installed.
The missing support commands can be easily installed by using Rudix. For running the java commands the Java Development Kit (jdk) is needed.
During the Cygwin installation please make sure that you include the required commands. The screenshot below shows an example for adding the wget command, you can find the commands by utilizing the search function (the commands are in the following sub-menus: wget -> Web, bc -> Math, unzip -> Archive). Also, it is recommended to use a user account without any space in the account name.

For further information about system installation and usage, please check the online documentation. Also a guide trough running the applcation examples is provided within a toutorial.